Books,  Weekly Lists

Weekly Lists #123: Long-term TBR-features

So a little while back, I deleted about 100 books from my Goodreads-TBR. If there’s one thing that whole experience taught me? It’s that some books have been on my TBR probably since I joined Goodreads. That’s 6 years. Six years and no signs of being read, for a majority of them. So I figured I’d take a look at exactly which books are the longest TBR-features – and why!

1. Anne of Green Gables, L.M. Montgomery

Yes, the entire series.

I read and loved the first part of this series, but for some reason I can never get myself to actually finish it. I know somewhat how it ends, I know I want to finish it. I put them on pretty much any seasonal TBR. And yet it never actually happens. I’ll get there eventually?

2. Chrestomanci, Diana Wynne Jones

I did already read the majority of this one, that has to count for something, right? I basicallly have this thing I do where I read part of a series and fall in love with it. So then I add all the parts of it to my TBR. But if I don’t get to reading them immediately? They are bound to stay there for about five centuries. Or four years and a bit, in this case.

3. Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, Jesse Andrews

This is the second big category of “books I add and then forget about”. The ones where other people gush about them on Goodreads, or Youtube, or Instagram, or Twitter, or… So I get so enthousiastic, but again…. If I can’t get to reading the book immediately? Chances are I’m never going to get to them.

4. Jane Austen in Scarsdale, Paula Marantz Cohen

Look, the Jane Austen-retellings need a category entirely of their own. Because I get in these stages where all I really want to read are Jane Austen-retellings. I don’t know why either, but there you have it. I especially love the Pride and Prejudice-ones. Oh, and the stories where it’s told from the guy’s perspective. I actually started writing one of those at one point!

Anyways, Jane Austen-retellings. They’re a thing. But they’re also incredibly hard to get by. So they end up accumulating in my TBR-pile and nothing ever really happens with them. Seriously, if anyone knows where you can find a lot of Jane Austen retellings for not too much money? Let me know!

5. Welcome, Caller, This is Chloe, Shelley Coriell

Aaaah, the endless streams of YA that come in your recommendations once you’ve read a certain amount of them? Yeah, I add them to my TBR. Because I love me some fluffy fun literature. And the YA-ones? Some of the best stuff. But again: it’s impossible to actually read all of them. Or buy all of them. And now there’s an endless amount of them in my TBR and I honestly don’t even know how to get started on them anymore and it gets really overwhelming and now they’re just all there.

Aaaanyways… Do any of you have any of those books? The ones that keep sitting in your TBR and you just know you’ll get to them at some point? But… You never do quite do? Do let me know below! Maybe I can add them to my TBR as well 🙂
