Books,  Weekly Lists

Weekly Lists #65: Favourite Books of 2016.

Yes, this is back! Last year I wrote a post like this as well, and I absolutely loved looking back on my year like that. And don’t worry – there’s no way I’m limiting myself to just 5 books. Even if this is technically a weekly list :p So here’s my favourite books of 2016!

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1. Have A Little Faith

This is really a book you should read if you want to have some food for thought. The kind that makes you look up and realise basically your entire world just changed. Also, Mitch Albom’s writing style makes anything read easy, so there’s that as well!

2. Girl Hearts Girl

Unfortunately, the couple which this author was one half of has now split up. Why is that relevant, you ask? Because that’s what first catapulted Lucy Sutcliffe to youtube-stardom. That being said, however, this book touched me for way more than just it’s from that couple whose vlogs I love. To be exact, it touched me because sometimes you just need to read someone else’s point of view. To understand them, as well as what they’ve gone through.

(And in this case, so many with similar stories, probably!)

Read my review of Girl Hearts Girl here!

3. Speak

As I also mentioned in my review of this one, I originally fell in love with this story through the movie adaptation of it. And even though I’ve seen that movie more times than I care to remember, I can honestly say nothing prepared me for the experience that was this book. I think I basically finished it in a matter of hours, just because it grabbed me so much – and I loved every minute of those hours!

4. I Am the Messenger

If you’ve read The Book Thief (a book which, if I’m not mistaken, featured on last year’s list!), you might have certain expectations when first opening this book. Let me just warn you now that you should probably push all of those aside. Apart from one, that is: this book is amazingly written. Also: it will grab you from the get go and change you. Consider yourself warned!

5. The Five People You Meet In Heaven

This one was technically a re-read for me, but you know what? I loved it at least as much this year as I did last time I read it! Also, if you want to read me ramble about exactly why I loved The Five People You Meet in Heaven so much, be sure to go ahead and check out my review of it!

6. Good Omens

Sure, this one was another reread. But I can honestly say I don’t think I appreciated the humour in this one as much on the first read, as I did when I re-read it more recently. It made me laugh out loud, it made me think, it had me thinking back at other books and old stories I’d read and seen and I basically just kinda really loved it ‘mkay?

7. We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves

I really had to struggle my way through this one, but in the end I’m so happy I read it. I have to admit that at times I definitely hated going through it, but that’s basically just because it goes so deep (and scientific!) that quite often I had to really think about what I was reading. Considering that I’m usually more of a “read to relax”kind of gal – this book was definitely not that, but it’s amazing none the less!

8. The Little Prince

This one is such a classic that I’m actually kind of ashamed to admit that I’d never read this one. That is, until I picked it as part of the corpus for my master’s dissertation last year. That being said. Can we just take a moment to appreciate how awesome this story is? I mean, seriously, there’s so many levels to the so many stories and there’s really just nothing not to love!

And there you have it, that’s my favourite books of this past year – which books have you enjoyed reading most? Be sure to let me know below!
